Driven by Powerful Analytical Engine
Our robust rules and prioritization engine auto-generates accurate, cost-aware, gap-free schedules that are fair, balanced, and reflect professional obligations and preferences.
A System-Wide Experience
Manage and integrate multi-state, multi-entity, multi-site medical groups and health systems, including experience with 58 specialties. Incorporate all enterprise guidelines, state regulations, and individual practice preferences.
Anytime, Anywhere Access
Ensure transparency and visibility for all stakeholders through real-time access to schedule information across your provider network from any authorized device, and housed centrally on your intranet.
Advanced Reporting and More Transparency
Use advanced reports and analytics to track scheduling performance across the enterprise, make more informed decisions, and increase transparency to reduce provider frustration.
Provider Fatigue Prevention Tools
Use embedded “fatigue-buster” rules, an index, and a simple and regular burnout monitoring survey to gain deeper insight into provider wellness levels.
More than Just Provider Schedules
Use a scalable and flexible platform that can schedule physicians, APPs, ancillary staff, non-clinical staff, float pools, exam rooms, and equipment across multiple regions and locations.