Why Integrations Matter for Clinical Communication
This integration leverages Lightning Bolt as the scheduling source of truth and transmits any mapped data to TigerConnect. Data from Lightning Bolt is updated and displayed every 10 minutes.
Reduction of Duplicate Work:
The integration eliminates the need to manually transcribe scheduling data from Lightning Bolt into TigerConnect.
Reduction of Human Error:
Automating the process of inputting schedule data reduces the likelihood of mistakes, ensuring that the data is accurately reflected and matches what’s scheduled in Lightning Bolt.
Overwriting Data:
As soon as the integration is toggled on, the Lightning Bolt schedule data will begin to overwrite anything that’s already scheduled in TigerConnect for any mapped assignments.
1. API Data Transmission:
Once the integration is live, data transmits every 10 minutes throughout the day. Each transmission will include all of the mapped information between Lightning Bolt and TigerConnect based on the look-forward integration settings.
2. Look-Back and Look-Forward:
To determine how much data should be sent on a recurring basis, we set up a rolling window (typically 0 days back from today and 30 days forward). 30 days forward is the maximum range recommended by TigerConnect.
3. User Identification:
Each user’s TigerConnect ID will need to be entered into their Lightning Bolt personnel profiles. These IDs may be stored in the UniqueID or Custom 1-4 fields.
4. Assignment Mapping:
Assignments are mapped to TigerConnect by adding mapping to the Lightning Bolt assignment structures. Each mapping requires the TigerConnect ‘Job Token’ that corresponds with the Lightning Bolt assignment being mapped.
5. TigerConnect Credentials:
To connect and update the schedule data, the Lightning Bolt team will need access to TigerConnect credentials. We will need a username, password, and a group ID to ensure data from Lightning Bolt can be ported to the TigerConnect instance.
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