From Silos to Synergy: Key Communication Integrations at Roper St. Francis
When your staff searches for a patient, PerfectServe will automatically present the patient’s assigned panel of care team members, dynamically updated in near real time, enhancing communication efficiency and accuracy.
Maintains Patient Context for Messaging
With patient context automatically included in messages, clinicians no longer have to worry about transcription errors. Communication audits are also easier to conduct because all messages are associated with the appropriate patient’s record.
Enables Dynamic Routing to Assigned Role
PerfectServe’s Dynamic Intelligent Routing® can automatically route messages to a designated role or to a newly assigned care team member without requiring users to explicitly identify the individual with that role assignment. This can alleviate message fatigue and reduce provider burnout.
Ensures Staff Assignment Accuracy
The patient’s care team is always up to date in PerfectServe, empowering clinicians to collaborate effectively with the right team members at the right time.
Foundation for Advanced Integrations
Integrated census and care team data is fundamental to effective care team collaboration and serves as the cornerstone for more advanced PerfectServe features like embedded EHR messaging, order and result notifications, nurse call integration, and more.
PerfectServe must have access to patient information and staff assignments to facilitate the census and care team integration. PerfectServe draws patient information from the EHR via ADT or SFTP and draws staff assignments from the EHR via ADT, SFTP, or Rauland Sync.
1. HL7 ADT feed is the preferred and most effective option for an easily supportable, real-time integration.
2. Rauland Sync integration is an option for clients who rely on Rauland as the source of truth for nursing assignments.
3. Flat File Transfer (SFTP) is also an acceptable option and will update staff assignments in regular intervals (e.g., 30 minutes), but not in real time.
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